In this blog entry you will find a mixture of South African industrial steam (mostly) locomotives. You are welcome to submit your images for inclusion here. Thank you to all photographers whose images are on display here.
%2BTony%2BParker%2B-%2BOLIVE%2BJULY%2B1984%2BKimberley%2BMine%2BMuseum%2B.jpg) |
(c) TONY PARKER: During 1984 I visited relatives living at the colliery in Vierfontein, and found some time to explore & photograph railway scenes in Kimberley. OLIVE here with my 13-year old son. |
%2BTony%2BParker%2B-%2BVIERFONTEIN%2BCOLLIERY%2B-%2BJULY%2B1984.jpg) |
(c) TONY PARKER: During 1984 I visited relatives living at the colliery in Vierfontein, and found some time to explore & photograph railway scenes in Kimberley, Klerksdorp, Etc. The Vierfontein Colliery Ltd 0-6-0T loco here, again with my 13-year old son.
John Middleton commented: this is the old Hawthorn Leslie of 1906 (I am travelling so can't
put my finger on the works no at this stage). The Vierfontein colliery supplied the
adjacent ESCOM station
and after the HL ceased operating about 1980, ESCOM's loco did any
shunting (which was only stores traffic). ESCOM had STEPHENSON their RSH
0-4-0ST here, later a diesel. I only found this loco quite a few years
after I came to SA and it had been missed by most
enthusiasts being off the beaten track. The HL had an interesting
history serving at quite a few collieries. It was new to SA Coal Estates
in Witbank. It was sadly scrapped. |
%2BRoger%2BGriffiths%2B-%2BGermiston%2BInd%2BNo.3%2B-%2B15.10.1973-1.jpg) |
(c) Roger Griffiths - image taken at Germiston in October 1973 This is a 4-8-2T SAR Class A No 130 Tank locomotive which was one of 100
built in 1888 and 1889 by Dübs & Co. She is now plinthed at the Reefsteamers Depot in Germiston and , and is named "Patrys". She was built as Dübs works no 2627 in 1890.
At some stage No 130 was sold to Brakpan Mines Ltd where she worked as "No. 3".
%2BRoger%2BGriffiths%2B-%2BIND%2BSAL%26E%2BNo.1%2B(maker%2Band%2Bdate%2Bunknown)%2B15.10.1973-1.jpg) |
(c) Roger Griffiths - image taken 15 Oct 1973
JOHN MIDDLETON commented as follows: Thanks
for the interesting photograph. This loco was built as Springs Mines
No. 4 and was WB 2575 of 1936, Springs Mines operated the surface system
until 1962 when it was taken over by SALLIES and the loco became
SALLIES No. 4 (later being renumbered No.1 when the original No. 1 – WB
1977/13 a 2-6-2T was withdrawn in March 1963.
notes show that it was recorded at SALLIES OOU in 1/74 and had gone by
August 1974, it certainly didn’t run again after the photo was taken
having been
withdrawn before the end of 1972. I think the photo was likely taken at
SALLIES not GVPM, I have no record that any of these locos went to
loco and No. 2 (which was originally Springs Mines No.2) were identical
16x24 locos. There were also two WB 0-8-0T Nos 3 and 5 (WB 2534 and
2535 of 1935).
was a third SALLIES No. 1 – NBL 25900/46 a standard NBL 4-8-2T which
arrived secondhand at the end of 1973 and was sold to Cornelia Colliery
closed. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BWitbank%2BColliery%2BLtd%2BNo%2B1%2B-%2B2nd%2BMay%2B1983.jpg) |
Coliery No.1, a 4-10-2 tank, built for the company by North British,
Glasgow in 1928, and still dumped where William had first seen it, 4 years
earlier. 2nd May 1983. This loco is now plinthed at the Rand Society of Model Engineers - more info here. This image kind courtesy of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. | | |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BRandfontein%2BEstates%2BGold%2BMine%2C%2BR5%2C%2Bex%2BSAR%2B14R%2BClass%2B4-8-2%2C%2B1730%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BRobert%2BStephenson%2Bin%2B1914.%2BSeen%2B13.08.1982.jpg) |
Randfontein Estates Gold Mine, R5, ex SAR 14R Class 4-8-2, 1730, built by Robert Stephenson in 1914. Seen 13.08.1982. This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BWitbank%2BColliery%2B4-8-2%2CNo.4%2C%2Bwas%2Bpuchased%2Bnew%2Bfrom%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2Bin%2B1947.%2BSeen%2B26.05.1981.jpg) |
Witbank Colliery 4-8-2,No.4, was puchased new from North British, Glasgow in 1947. Seen 26.05.1981 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb.
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BA%2B4-8-2%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2C%2Bin%2B1953%2Bat%2BSpringbok%2BNo.2%2Bmine%2C%2BVandykesdrif%2C%2Bon%2B02.05.1983.jpg) |
A 4-8-2 built by North British, Glasgow, in 1953 at Springbok No.2 mine, Vandykesdrif, on 02.05.1983 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BGrootvlei%2BProprietary%2BMines%2C%2BSprings%2C%2Bex%2BSAR%2BClass%2BA%2B4-8-2%2Btank%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BDubs%2C%2BGlasgow%2C%2Bin%2Bthe%2B1890s%2C%2Bseen%2B21%2B07.1979..jpg) |
Grootvlei Proprietary Mines, Springs, ex SAR Class A 4-8-2 tank, built by Dubs, Glasgow, in the 1890s, seen 21 07.1979. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
One of the ex SAR 15CB (?) Class 4-8-2s, at Tweefontein Colliery, Minaar, on 25th May 1981.- This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
Another South African Coal Estates
loco, this tine Landau Colliery, Witbank. No.1 is ex Rhodesia Railways
16th class Garratt, 605. Same date, 22.07.1979. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
Apex Greenside Colliery, Blackhill, 3, ex SAR Class 1A 4-8-0, built by North British, Glasgow, in 1909. Seen here 26.05.1981. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BNew%2BLargo%2BColliery%2BNo.2%2C%2Ba%2B4-8-2%2Btank%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2C%2Bin%2B1951.%2BSeen%2Bhere%2Bon%2B13.08.1982.jpg) |
New Largo Colliery No.2, a 4-8-2 tank built by North British, Glasgow, in 1951. Seen here on 13.08.1982. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BGrootvlei%2BProprietary%2BMines%2C%2BSprings%2B'Puffing%2BDuggie'%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNeilson%2BReid%2Bof%2BGlasgow%2Bin%2B1903%2C%2Bex%2BSAR%2B1211%2C%2BClass%2B8DW.%2BDate%2Bis%2B24th%2BMay%2B1981.jpg) |
Proprietary Mines, Springs 'Puffing Duggie', built by Neilson Reid of
Glasgow in 1903, ex SAR 1211, Class 8DW. Date is 24th May 1981 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb.
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BApex%2BMines%2C%2BGreenside%2BColliery%2C%2BBlackhill%2C%2B5%2C%2Bex%2BSAR%2BClass%2B14R%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BRobert%2BStephenson%2Bin%2B1913.%2B2nd%2BMay%2B1983.jpg) |
Apex Mines, Greenside Colliery, Blackhill, 5, ex SAR Class 14R, built by Robert Stephenson in 1913. 2nd May 1983 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BThe%2BEnyati%2BRailway%2C%2BVryheid%2C%2BNatal%2C%2Bone%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bex%2BSAR%2BGarratts%2Bhired%2Bfrom%2BDunns%2BLocomotive%2B%26%2BBoiler%2BWorks.%2B29.07.1982.jpg) |
The Enyati Railway, Vryheid, Natal, one of the ex SAR Garratts hired from Dunns Locomotive & Boiler Works. 29.07.1982 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BWitbank%2BConsolidated%2BColliery%2C%2BSaaiwater%2C%2BNo.3%2C%2Ba%2B4-8-0%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BSharp%2BStewart%2B1896%2C%2Bex%2BSAR%2B7A%2Bclass%2B990.%2B02.05.1983.jpg) |
Witbank Consolidated Colliery, Saaiwater, No.3, a 4-8-0, built by Sharp Stewart 1896, ex SAR 7A class 990. 02.05.1983 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BWitbank%2BColliery%2BNo%2C5%2C%2Ba%2B4-8-2%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2C%2Bin%2B1954.%2BSeen%2Bhere%2Bon%2B2nd%2BMay%2B1983..jpg) |
Witbank Colliery No,5, a 4-8-2, built by North British, Glasgow, in 1954. Seen here on 2nd May 1983. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BSouth%2BAfrican%2BCoal%2BEstates%2C%2BNavigation%2BColliery%2C%2BClewer%2C%2BNo.2.%2Ba%2B4-8-2T%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2Bin%2B1952.-%2B22.07.1979.jpg) |
South African Coal Estates, Navigation Colliery, Clewer, No.2. a 4-8-2T, built by North British, Glasgow in 1952.- 22.07.1979 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BWitbank%2BColliery%2BNo.2%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2BNorth%2BBritish%2C%2BGlasgow%2C%2B1947.%2B1st%2BMay%2B1983.jpg) |
Witbank Colliery No.2, built by North British, Glasgow, 1947. 1st May 1983 - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
%2BWilliam%2BFord%2B-%2BESCOM%2C%2BRosherville%2BWorkshops%2C%2BJupiter.%2B'Kitson'%2C%2Bbuilt%2Bby%2Bthat%2Bcompany%2Bat%2BLeeds%2C%2BUK%2Bin%2B1879.%2BA%2Bbit%2Bof%2Ba%2Bmuseum%2Bpiece%2C%2Bbut%2Btoo%2Bgood%2Bnot%2Bto%2Btake%2Ba%2Bpicture.%2B26.05.1981.jpg) |
ESCOM, Rosherville Workshops, Jupiter. 'Kitson', built by that company
at Leeds, UK in 1879. A bit of a museum piece, but too good not to take a
picture. 26.05.1981. - This image kind permission of © William Ford - The image was 1st posted to the South African Industrial Locomotives group on fb. |
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