Showing posts with label Fireless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fireless. Show all posts

12 July 2009

Colenso - Municipal Offices, Fireless "Tugela" Hawthorn Leslie 3858/1935

This image of the "TUGELA" and "ESCOM" fireless engines was taken in the 1980's by Phil Braithwaite at the Colenso Municipal Offices.

This image of the "TUGELA" and "ESCOM" fireless engines was taken in the 1980's by Phil Braithwaite at the Colenso Municipal Offices.

This image taken by Jacobus Marais on 28 Sept 2011. It was posted to the Atlantic Rail fb page.

This March 2008 Google Earth Map shows the location of two fireless steam locomotives in Colenso. Click on Map to enlarge.


TUGELA is a fireless-type steam locomotive. This means that it has no boiler to generate steam. Instead, it has a large insulated pressure vessel holding steam under pressure. These locomotives were suitable for short trips in areas where large steam generating plants were available to recharge the pressure vessel.
Trains hauling coal were brought by the railways to points near the power stations. Each power station was then responsible for the haulage of the coal trucks to its coal staiths.
ESKOM, formerly known as the Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM) was the second largest user of fireless locomotives in South Africa. The Iron and Steel Corporation (ISCOR) was the largest user of this type of locomotive. ESKOM employed fireless locomotives at its power stations for almost sixty years.
TUGELA was bought from R W Hawthorne, Leslie & Company of the United Kingdom in 1935. It saw service at Colenso power station until the station closed in 1984. It is rather appropriate that the locomotive was named after the river on whose banks the station was built and from which the station obtained its water. In 2000, it was still on display at the municipal offices at Colenso, KwaZulu/Natal.
Type: Fireless
Work’s No: 3858
Wheel Formation: 0-4-0
Tractive Force (lbs): 11950
Year of manufacture: 1935
This information on TUGELA comes from research material compiled by Mr. Rick Searle, a retired ESKOM employee.

Colenso - Municipal Offices, Fireless "Escom" Bagnall 2571/1937

This image of the "TUGELA" and "ESCOM" fireless engines was taken in the 1980's by Phil Braithwaite at the Colenso Municipal Offices.

This image of the "TUGELA" and "ESCOM" fireless engines was taken in the 1980's by Phil Braithwaite at the Colenso Municipal Offices.

This image taken by Jacobus Marais on 28 Sept 2011. It was posted to the Atlantic Rail fb page.

This March 2008 Google Earth Map shows the location of two fireless steam locomotives in Colenso. Click on Map to enlarge.


TUGELA is a fireless-type steam locomotive. This means that it has no boiler to generate steam. Instead, it has a large insulated pressure vessel holding steam under pressure. These locomotives were suitable for short trips in areas where large steam generating plants were available to recharge the pressure vessel.
Trains hauling coal were brought by the railways to points near the power stations. Each power station was then responsible for the haulage of the coal trucks to its coal staiths.

This March 2008 Google Earth Map shows the location of two fireless steam locomotives in Colenso. Click on Map to enlarge.


ESCOM is a fireless-type steam locomotive. This means that it has no boiler to generate steam. Instead, it has a large insulated pressure vessel holding steam under pressure. These locomotives were suitable for short trips in areas where large steam generating plants were available to recharge the pressure vessel.
Trains hauling coal were brought by the railways to points near the power stations. Each power station was then responsible for the haulage of the coal trucks to its coal staiths.
ESKOM, formerly known as the Electricity Supply Commission (ESCOM) was the second largest user of fireless locomotives in South Africa. The Iron and Steel Corporation (ISCOR) was the largest user of this type of locomotive. ESKOM employed fireless locomotives at its power stations for almost sixty years.
ESCOM was obtained from W G Bagnall and Company Limited in 1937. It served at Colenso power station until the station was closed in 1984. In 2000, it was still on display outside the municipal offices at Colenso in KwaZulu/Natal.
Type: Fireless
Works No: 2571
Wheel Formation: 0-6-0
Tractive Force (lbs): 14 000
Year of manufacture: 1937
This information on ESCOM locomotive comes from research material compiled by Mr. Rick Searle, a retired ESKOM employee.

17 May 2009

Johannesburg, James Hall Transport Museum, part 4, 0-6-0F (fireless) Andrew Barclay works # 2059 built 1938

The locomotive featured below, is on display in the James Hall Transport Museum in Pioneer Park, Wemmer Pan, Johannesburg. See part 1 for more details.

SANDY - photo: courtesy Derek Walker

The locomotive has a 17"x18"design and in the tradition for most European fireless engines, the cylinders are located below the cab.

photo: courtesy Derek Walker June 2009

The locomotive is ex SAPPI Ltd, Springs Paper Mill, where it worked under the name "SANDY".

photo: courtesy Derek Walker June 2009

This 0-6-0F (fireless) locomotive was built in 1938 as works number 2059 by Andrew Barclay Sons and Co. Ltd. at their Caledonia Works, Kilmarnock, Scotland.

Barclay was the largest builder of fireless locomotives in Britain, building 114 of them between 1913 and 1961. Few fireless locomotives are seen in action today. This is due to the low power of the locomotives, the long time needed to charge a locomotive from cold, and the low steam pressures available for charging. Perhaps the only exception was "Lord Ashfield" (Andrew Barclay works no. 1989 of 1930) at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester that ran for a while, in the 1990s, sharing a steam supply with the stationary exhibits in their exhibition hall.

Background to fireless locomotives is included with the Somerset West AECI Firegrove Works Borsig entry.

1. Industrial locomotives in South Africa 1991 - John Middleton & Huw Williams

04 April 2009

SOMERSET WEST: AECI Firegrove Works: AECI #1 Borsig 7364 1909 Fireless Locomotive

There are three Fireless locos plinthed in the Strand / Somerset West areas.

This page refers to AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig 1909.

Blog pages also exist for AECI #2 0-4-0F Borsig 1912 and AECI #3 0-4-0F Borsig 1932.

All of these fireless steam locomotives were used by AECI Ltd (formerly African Explosives & Chemical Industries) at their former Firgrove explosives factory near Somerset West. The factory had exchange sidings at the end of a 3km SAR branch south east of Firgrove on the SAR Cape Town - Somerset West line. Explosives production ceased during 1989 and by 1991 the only traffic then was chemicals and fertilizers from AECI Ltd and Kynoch Fertilizer Ltd whose works were adjacent to AECI.

This photo by Dylan Knott shows the locomotive and explosives truck in a former position at the entrance gate - it has since been removed to be re-plinthed at a different position.

Nigel Randall gave us (in the sar-L list) an interesting snippet about the fireless locos at AECI: "Fireless locomotives were used very successfully by AECI at its Somerset West Explosives Plant where I was employed in the early 60's in their loco shed. The risk of spark creation when dealing with big bang material was the attraction. Maintenance on these units consisted mainly of brake block replacement which for some reason seemed very excessive. The only major incidence we had with these locos was when a driver on one night shift either failed to apply brakes when entering the recharge shed or had a mechanical failure as he ended up travelling through the stops breaking down the boiler room wall, destroying the steam connection and repositioning the boiler somewhat. Funny I never saw him at the plant again.! But we did spend a great deal of time getting it back on track and carrying out repairs."

This type of locomotive was very desirable for service in plants where cleanliness and the elimination of fire hazards and noise were important. They were quite popular in applications where smoke and cinders could ruin the product, as in textile mills or agricultural processing plants. In those applications where this type of locomotive fits, it was a reliable and economical unit of motive power. Fireless steam locomotives could be found working in chemical industries, powder plants, paper mills, food plants and electric power plants, wherever a reliable source of steam was readily available.

All of these pictures were taken on 15 October 2008.

The fireless steam locomotive is one of the most remarkable and foolproof locomotive designs devised. A locomotive equipped with a large tank or reservoir instead of a boiler and firebox, it carries no fire. This engine was essentially a giant thermos bottle lying on its side with wheels.

In 1991 AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig built in 1909, boiler number 42489, works number 7364, was preserved on a plinth outside the Main Gate.

However, by 2008 a property development project at the Main Gate was in progress, and the locomotive had been relocated to a temporary position inside the AECI fence - I asked the security guards for access. It is to be hoped that the locomotive will be re-plinthed again soon at a suitable position.

The reservoir/tank stores heat in the form of hot water and steam. Steam is charged into the reservoir via a charging connection valve and a perforated pipe so that temperature of the entire body be gradually raised.

The time required to take on a full charge can vary from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the charging pressure, the size of the reservoir, and how low the charge was before being refilled.

When the reservoir is fully charged, 85 percent or more of its volume is filled with hot water and the remainder with steam. As steam is drawn off and used in the cylinders, pressure in the reservoir drops and some of the hot water flashes into steam. This newly created steam draws its heat of vaporization from the hot water which remains in the liquid state and, as a result of the vaporization; the temperature of that water is reduced. This continues until the temperature of the water drops to the point below which it will no longer vaporize into steam at sufficient pressure to be used in the cylinders. The cylinder proportions are such, however, that the locomotive can move itself on very much less than the normal working pressure.

European fireless steam locomotives usually have the cylinders at the back (like a Cab Forward engine), while American ones often have the cylinders at the front, as in a conventional locomotive.

In a fireless steam locomotive, in place of a boiler, the locomotive is fitted with a cylindrical tank which is charged with steam and hot water from a stationary plant. As a rule, but little equipment must be installed for their operation, as the majority of industrial plants are supplied with the boiler capacity necessary for charging the locomotives.

The reservoir contains only a few working parts, these include the charging pipe, check valve, throttle and throttle rod, and dry pipe.

The storage pressure usually approximates the working pressure of a locomotive boiler; but the pressure of the steam is considerably reduced before it enters the cylinders. These locomotives are simple in construction and, as they cannot explode, they are exceedingly safe to handle.

Note the steam exhaust pipe.

Normally, one charging, or one full plus several partial chargings, will keep a fireless locomotive at work for a full day. Steam for charging may be obtained from any available source, such as the plant’s steam supply, and is delivered to the locomotive reservoir through a flexible charging connection. One centrally located charging connection is usually sufficient, but where the locomotive operates over a large area more than one charging station may be desirable from the standpoint of convenience and economy.

In 2004 the locomotive was completely refurbished and dynamite wagon was added to the loco.

In some unknown recording system, this was "pressure vessel" number 127, locomotive #3 carries the number 129, presumably locomotive #2 would be number 128.

This plate shows that the engine was re-boilered and that a boiler test was done on 22 Jan 1931. Engine number #3 was also re-boilered in 1932. Technically the locomotive was re-vesselled, not re-boilered as it does not have a conventional boiler.

From 1898 on Tegel was the seat of the Borsig-Werke steam locomotive manufacturing company until it moved to Hennigsdorf in Brandenburg in 1931.

(Johann Friedrich) August Borsig was the founder of one of Germany`s principal engineering companies. He was born, the son of a carpenter in Breslau (Wroclaw) in Silesia, and studied building for a time before embarking on a commercial education in Berlin, which led him towards engineering. By 1872 Borsig was the largest producer of locomotives in Europe, with works at Zabrze in Silesia and at Dortmund, as well as those in Berlin. It entered a period of relative decline after the death of August Borsig`s son Albert in 1878, and went through many mergers in the 20th century. It continued nevertheless to produce notable locomotives, including the three class 05 streamlined 4-6-4s of 1935-37, which set various speed records. One of them is preserved at Nuremberg. The last of 16,352 steam locomotives produced by Borsig was completed in 1954.

Prior to recharge, the combination boiler/water tank would be 80 percent filled with water. It would then be connected to an external steam line, which would heat the water in the tank to temperatures of 400º F, with internal tank pressures rising up to 400 psi .The cylinders would operate at pressures of 150 psi. After a recharge, the steam heater line was disconnected and the driver would open the throttle, resulting in the sudden generation of “flash steam” inside the boiler/water tank, as a slight pressure drop occurred. Like its counterpart which carried an on-board firebox, the fireless too required the occasional reservoir washdown to remove scale. This could be minimized or eliminated with the use of distilled water. Another way this cost can be reduced and efficiency can be improved is by switching from an open system of exhausting waste steam and refilling the water storage tank, to a closed system which recycles the water.

The cylinder proportions are such that the locomotive can move itself on very much less than the normal working pressure.

The following photos were taken on a rainy morning: 1 October 2008

The locomotive and truck are not properly plinthed.


In 2002 John Middleton noted in the sar-L list:

All three are still in existence plinthed in the Somerwet West/Strand area.

Apart from the 9 Fireless (6 by Henschel and 3 by Porter) at ISCOR (of which several have been preserved at FOR and SANRASM), there were also Fireless locos in Natal at Masonite in Estcourt, both of which got scrapped although still working into the 1980's.

ESCOM had several Fireless locos including 0-4-0F, 0-6-0F and a couple of huge Andrew Barclay built 0-8-0F at Congella in Durban, one of which is now at SANRASM and the other at USR.

Two others ex ESCOM Colenso are preserved by the road in Colenso town.

Another one in the Cape Town area is a 1927 Borsig in a playground in Edgemead (Ex ESCOM Salt River). [This one has since been removed to an unknown location - Piet]


SOMERSET WEST: Happy Days Pre-Primary School, Reservoir Road: AECI #3 Borsig 11796 1924 Fireless Locomotive

There are three Fireless locos plinthed in the Strand / Somerset West areas.

This page refers to AECI #3 0-4-0F Borsig built in 1924.

Blog pages also exist for AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig 1909 and AECI #2 0-4-0F Borsig 1912.

All of these fireless steam locomotives were used by AECI Ltd (formerly African Explosives & Chemical Industries) at their former Firgrove explosives factory near Somerset West. The factory had exchange sidings at the end of a 3km SAR branch south east of Firgrove on the SAR Cape Town - Somerset West line. Explosives production ceased during 1989 and by 1991 the only traffic then was chemicals and fertilizers from AECI Ltd and Kynoch Fertilizer Ltd whose works were adjacent to AECI.

This type of locomotive was very desirable for service in plants where cleanliness and the elimination of fire hazards and noise were important. They were quite popular in applications where smoke and cinders could ruin the product, as in textile mills or agricultural processing plants. In those applications where this type of locomotive fits, it was a reliable and economical unit of motive power. Fireless steam locomotives could be found working in chemical industries, powder plants, paper mills, food plants and electric power plants, wherever a reliable source of steam was readily available.

More background to the operation of these locomotives can be found with the entry for AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig 1909

All of these pictures were taken on 15 October 2008.

Number 3 is plinthed in the grounds of the pre-primary school "Happy Days". The school is located at the west end of Reservoir Road in Somerset West. Should you wish to see the locomotive it would be best to visit on a weekday at a time when the school is in session.

AECI #3 0-4-0F Borsig built in 1924, boiler number 42667, Works number 11796.
The locomotive was previously plinthed in a park in Drama Street but removed from there in 1982 to its present location.

Note the cylinders place in the hind position under the cab.

In 2002 all asbestos was removed from the loco and it was also completely refurbished.

Detail of the charging connection at the front of the locomotive

In the cab: The steam pipe splits to feed both driving cylinders

Note the steam exhaust pipe

detail of the driving cylinder below the cab

This plate appears to refer to the Borsig works number when the locomotive was re-boilered in 1932.

Fabrik-nr 14433; Baujahr 1932

STRAND: Children's Playground, Du Toit Street: AECI #2 Borsig 8370 1912 Fireless Locomotive

There are three Fireless locos plinthed in the Strand / Somerset West areas.

This page refers to AECI #2 0-4-0F Borsig 1912.

Blog pages also exist for AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig 1909 and AECI #3 0-4-0F Borsig 1924.

All of these fireless steam locomotives were used by AECI Ltd (formerly African Explosives & Chemical Industries) at their former Firgrove explosives factory near Somerset West. The factory had exchange sidings at the end of a 3km SAR branch south east of Firgrove on the SAR Cape Town - Somerset West line. Explosives production ceased during 1989 and by 1991 the only traffic then was chemicals and fertilizers from AECI Ltd and Kynoch Fertilizer Ltd whose works were adjacent to AECI.

This type of locomotive was very desirable for service in plants where cleanliness and the elimination of fire hazards and noise were important. They were quite popular in applications where smoke and cinders could ruin the product, as in textile mills or agricultural processing plants. In those applications where this type of locomotive fits, it was a reliable and economical unit of motive power. Fireless steam locomotives could be found working in chemical industries, powder plants, paper mills, food plants and electric power plants, wherever a reliable source of steam was readily available.

More background to the operation of these locomotives can be found with the entry for AECI #1 0-4-0F Borsig 1909

All of these pictures were taken on 15 October 2008.

AECI #2 0-4-0F Borsig built in 1912, boiler number 42488, Borsig works number 8370.

Plinthed at a playground next to Du Toit Street, Strand.

When I visited the locomotive was being repainted in its "rainbow" livery.

During the work some of the rusted holes in the cab were covered up by using riveted plates - visible as unpainted rectangles in these pictures.

Note the sandbox.