This is part 2 "Transfer to Ceres" , for "Restoration" see part 1
The following collection of images (not in complete chronological order) covers the transfer of the first locomotive (ex-SAR 19D 3321 - NB 26041/1948) [after restoration at Voorbaai Loco Shed] to Ceres during the period 16, 17 & 18 October 2015.
My thanks to all the photographers!!!
The actual transfer happened on 17 and 18 October 2015.
Press Release dated 1 September 2015
(see complete text at bottom of this entry)
The following collection of images (not in complete chronological order) covers the transfer of the first locomotive (ex-SAR 19D 3321 - NB 26041/1948) [after restoration at Voorbaai Loco Shed] to Ceres during the period 16, 17 & 18 October 2015.
My thanks to all the photographers!!!
The actual transfer happened on 17 and 18 October 2015.
Press Release dated 1 September 2015
(see complete text at bottom of this entry)
NOTE a correction has been made to the original Press Release: Ceres Rail Company bought the coaches of the former Transnet Heritage Fund's Union Limited Steam Railtours operation together with three steam locomotives. They are in the process of refurbishing the train. The steam train from Cape Town station will take tourists into the Ceres valley over weekends. The first locomotive and some seven coaches will be completed soon. The picturesque Ceres valley is not only the origin of the best of South Africa's fruit and wine products, but also one of the top tourism destinations in the country.
*pointed out by Alexander James Knight, thanks!
*pointed out by Alexander James Knight, thanks!
The locomotives bought by the Ceres Rail Company are:
- ex-SAR 19D 3321 - NB 26041/1948 "JESSICA" (converted to oil burner in 2015) [formerly 3321 ran with a type MX "Vanderbilt" tender, now fitted with type MT high-sided tender which is more suitable for an oil burner]
- ex-SAR 19D 3322 - NB 26042/1948 "SARAH-JANE" (oil burner)
- ex-SAR 19B 1412 - BM 9838/1930 "BAILEY" (1412 was last operational on the Outeniqua Choo-Tjoe - currently [Oct 2015] being restored at Voorbaai )
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 04h11 VOORBAAI Loco Shed (6 sec exposure) © Wayne R. Nauschutz. 3321 getting all heated up.
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 04h13 VOORBAAI Loco Shed (3 sec exposure) © Wayne R. Nauschutz. 3321 getting all heated up.

VOORBAAI Loco Shed © Andre Somers: Early Friday 16 Oct: Jessica gets all steamed-up about her pending trip to Ceres.
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 05h32 VOORBAAI Loco Shed (42 sec exposure) © Wayne R. Nauschutz. Note that the headlamp was being replaced here.
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 05h47 VOORBAAI Loco Shed (1/2 sec exposure) © Wayne R. Nauschutz

Jessica in the veld after running out of breath - Friday morning 16 Oct © Andre Somers

Jessica in the veld - Friday morning 16 Oct © Andre Somers

VOORBAAI © Andre Somers: Friday morning 16 Oct: Jessica being hauled back to the Loco shed at Voorbaai. In the morning the locomotive suffered a setback with the oil (that being of poor quality) and as a result poor steaming quality. The necessary repairs was completed at Voorbaai after which the train would again attempt the transfer on Saturday 17 Oct.

Back at VOORBAAI Loco Shed © Andre Somers

Back at VOORBAAI Loco Shed © Andre Somers
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 09h45 VOORBAAI Loco Shed © Wayne R. Nauschutz: Fault finding underway.
Friday 16 Oct 2015 - 10h13 VOORBAAI Loco Shed © Wayne R. Nauschutz: Fitter O. Venter removing a washout plug.
Jeremy Hutton posted this message on fb: CLASS 19D No. 3321 VOORBAAI TO CERES TRANSFER: Hi everyone. I appologise for the silence and I send this on behalf of the Admin. We had to wait for the confirmation from Transnet.This morning the locomotive suffered a setback with the oil (that being of poor quality) and as a result poor steaming quality. The necessary repairs have been completed and with Transnet's permission we now can perform the transfer tomorrow, Saturday 17 October 2015. She will be departing from Voorbaai at 06:00 and will overnight at Robertson. It will follow the YQ pattern with the exception of departing a hour later from Voorbaai.
Saturday 16 October 2015

Saturday 17 Oct: MOSSEL BAY © Stefan Andrzejewski: Pushing back in Mossel Bay with the load ready to take the road

MOSSEL BAY © Stefan Andrzejewski: Points set and all clear

© Stefan Andrzejewski: We are on our way.

© Niel Swart: Early morning stop.

COOPER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Quick service stop at Cooper Siding
07h28 Along the N2 near Kleinberg © Wayne R. Nauschutz:

08h28 with still the N2 in the background © Wayne R. Nauschutz: Between Keurfontein and Albertinia

09h36 © Wayne R. Nauschutz: RESIESBAAN

RESIESBAAN © Stefan Andrzejewski: Running through Resiesbaan

RESIESBAAN © Andre Somers

RESIESBAAN © Andre Somers

09h46 © Wayne R. Nauschutz Just past RESIESBAAN (Pardon Wayne - I took the liberty of removing the traffic from the N2 !!! - Piet)
10h34 © Wayne R. Nauschutz: Crossing the Goukou River bridge.

© Wayne R. Nauschutz (the intruding car on the right was removed - Piet)

Crossing the famous Gouritz River Bridge © Stefan Andrzejewski: The Classic Blowdown. (Photo taken with Stefan's camera by Johan de Waal while Stefan was driving) Also watch Matt Raubenheimer's video further down to hear the audio!

ALBERTINIA © Stefan Andrzejewski: First water stop Albertinia

ALBERTINIA © Stefan Andrzejewski: Most of the town's folk came to greet us

ALBERTINIA © Andre Somers - filling up with water.

Between ALBERTINIA & HEIDELBERG © Andre Somers

RIVERSDALE © Stefan Andrzejewski: Just before Riversdale. The consist included 2 water tankers, a DZ type wagon (containing a car which would take some of the crew back from Ceres to Mossel Bay) and Coach 243 - once the "UMTATA" dining car.

RIVERSDALE © Stefan Andrzejewski: On the way to Riversdale

© Shane Swartz

© Shane Swartz

© Shane Swartz

© Shane Swartz

© Shane Swartz

KARRINGMELK © Shane Swartz

KARRINGMELK © Stefan Andrzejewski: Section change at Karringmelk

KARRINGMELK © Stefan Andrzejewski: Departing Karringmelk

BUFFELJAGSRIVIER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Approaching Buffelsjagrivier

BUFFELJAGSRIVIER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Approaching Buffelsjagrivier

BUFFELJAGSRIVIER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Approaching Buffelsjagrivier

BUFFELJAGSRIVIER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Crossing a strong flowing Buffeljagsrivier
16h10 - 17 Oct 2015 © Wayne R. Nauschutz. Just past BUFFELJAGSRIVIER bridge.

© Stefan Andrzejewski
16h53 - 17 Oct 2015 © Wayne R. Nauschutz. Obviously the train was reversing here: It was moving back to BUFFELJAGSRIVIER to re-fuel.

BUFFELJAGSRIVIER © Stefan Andrzejewski: Pit stop
SAR 19D 3321 Transfer - Mosselbay to Buffeljagsrivier video made by Wayne Nauschutz.
VIDEO 19D 3321: Voorbaai to Swellendam 17 Oct 2015 by Matt Raubenheimer: "Here is a compilation of footage shot between Voorbaai and Swellendam during 3321's epic journey to Ceres. It was such a pleasure to chase this train. I'm so used to being on the train myself, this was a rare opportunity to get some nice shots and as a bonus it was on a line on which I've never witnessed steam operations before. Hope you enjoy"
GoPro footage taken by Stefan Andrzejewski:
SUNDAY 18 October 2015
After running in the dark on the last stretch to Robertson on Saturday evening, it was thought best to have a diesel head the train the next morning from Robertson to Wolseley.

ROBERTSON © Andre Somers: Because 3321 fuel level was heading for empty, it was prudent to have a class 35 pilot the train to Worcester, where diesel was taken in, and eventually to Class 35 took the train to Wolseley from where steam took over again ...

09h21 MOWERS © Derick Norton

09h31 NUY © Derick Norton

WORCESTER: The complete train went into the diesel depot where 3321 took in diesel fuel - the only brand of oil available there !!! © Andre Somers

Turn-off to Ceres branch line at Wolseley © Ian Pretorius.

MICHELL'S PASS © Ian Pretorius.

MICHELL'S PASS nearing the tunnel © Ian Pretorius.

DEMETER (Ceres) © Andre Somers

DEMETER (Ceres) © Andre Somers

DEMETER (Ceres) © Stefan Andrzejewski: Currently the locomotive is stored in the open at Ceres Golf Estate which has a high level of security.

DEMETER station at CERES (unknown date) Archives image provided by Derick du Toit to Ian Pretorius. The Wolseley-Ceres line was opened on 20 May 1912, and the line was extended up to Prince Alfred Hamlet by 10 April 1929.

DEMETER station at CERES (unknown date) Archives image provided by Derick du Toit to Ian Pretorius. The locomotive on the left is likely to be a SAR class 6. (2015: There are talks about restoring Demeter station).
Witzenberg Train Connection On Track
1 September 2015
press release By James Vos
I am pleased to announce two exciting rail transport projects in Witzenberg:
The first is the activation of a commercial freight transportation train connection from Cape Town to Wolseley, Ceres and Prince Alfred Hamlet, that would carry fruit and other agricultural products.
The second is a steam train from Cape Town station that will take tourists into the Ceres valley over weekends.
Ceres Rail Company bought the coaches of the former Transnet Heritage Fund's Union Limited Steam Railtours* operation together with three steam locomotives. They are in the process of refurbishing the train. The first locomotive and some seven coaches will be completed soon and the service will commence in October. [* correction to the text of the original press release]
Ceres Rail Company bought the coaches of the former Transnet Heritage Fund's Union Limited Steam Railtours* operation together with three steam locomotives. They are in the process of refurbishing the train. The first locomotive and some seven coaches will be completed soon and the service will commence in October. [* correction to the text of the original press release]
The picturesque Ceres valley is not only the origin of the best of South Africa's fruit and wine products, but also one of the top tourism destinations in the country.
These new services are a collaboration between the Ceres Rail Company, Transnet and the Municipality of Witzenberg.
This is evidence of the Witzenberg Municipality, under the DA, delivering tourism opportunities to the local community and will grow more tourism jobs. Not only will it make a substantial contribution to the economy, but it will also give the tourism industry in the area a tremendous boost.
The development and expansion in rail transport, paves the way for jobs and economic growth. Efficient and effective freight rail transportation reduces the number of trucks on the roads, decreasing emissions and fuel costs, improves safety and make our communities more livable.
In the 1990's Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) stopped operating so-called branch lines (such as the ones above) because they were either "non-core" or simply not profitable. However, because branch lines are a vital link with the rural areas, partnerships between public and private enterprise are now exploring the re-commissioning of some of these branch lines.
The DA is pleased that the negotiation and cooperation in Witzenberg is now bearing fruit and we believe that these services can be the precursor for similar projects elsewhere in the province
James Vos
Shadow Minister of Tourism
Sourced here++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The following text will only be understood by readers whom can read the Afrikaans language. It is an article in Afrikaans which appeared in a local newspaper in Mossel Bay and gives some interesting background :
Stoomtrein loop na meer as dekade
MOSSELBAAI NUUS - Dis nie aldag wat 'n mens die geleentheid kry om die ouwêreldse romantiek van die stoomtrein-era te herleef nie.
Vir 'n handjievol Mosselbaaiers het dit egter 'n sonderlinge avontuur opgelewer toe hulle verlede Saterdag met 'n Klas 19 D-stoomlokomotief, wat meer as 'n dekade laas in gebruik was, vanaf Mosselbaai na Ceres gereis het.
Volgens inligting, is die Klas 19 D-stoomlokomotief, van die eerstes wat van steenkool oorgeskakel het na die gebruik van olie. Sy is jarelank in beide Suid-Afrika en ook Namibië gebruik, voordat sy 'n laaste rusplek in die sogenaamde lokomotief begraafplaas in Voorbaai gekry het.
Gelukkig vir haar, het die ondernemingsgees van 'n toegewyde stoomtreinentoesias en sakeman, Derick du Toit, haar lot om te staan en oproes intussen verander. Du Toit, wat sake-belange in beide Kaapstad en Ceres het, is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 'n gholflandgoed op laasgenoemde dorp.
'n Klein stasie, Demeter, sowat 5km buite Ceres is deel van sy eiendom, wat in die afsienbare toekoms, glo verder ontwikkel en gerestoureer sal word. Dit is hier waar die Klas 19 D, asook twee ander stoomlokomotiewe opgeknap en 'n waardige nuwe tuiste sal vind.
Dit is ook in die beplanning dat die Klas 19 D-lokomotief voortaan op die Ceres-Kaapstad-lyn gebruik sal word om lede van die publiek, asook toeriste vanaf Kaapstad na Ceres te vervoer.
'n Onvergeetlike belewenis
Chris (Bossie) Boshoff van Mosselbaai en geswore stoomtreinentoesias, was deel van die 11, insluitend die werkspan en passasiers, wat verlede Saterdag 17 Oktober die Klas 19 D-lokomotief op haar reis na Ceres vergesel het.
"Ek het stoom ingeasem toe ek baie klein was," skerts hy.
Hoewel die lokomotief voortaan deur die maatskappy Ceres Railway Company (CRC) bedryf sal word, was 'n spesialis drywer en stoker uit Kaapstad, verbonde aan Atlantic Rail, tydens die naweek se reis aan die stuur van sake.
Derick du Toit het ook 'n ou eetwa aangekoop wat in Voorbaai aangehaak is en waarin die paar passasiers kon saamry. Boshoff het 'n paar vriende en hul vroue genooi om saam te ry en hulle het sommer self die eetwa skoongemaak vir die ekspedisie.
Die aanvanklike vertrekdatum was die Vrydag om 06:00, maar die lokomotief moes noodge-dwonge terugdraai na die Voorbaai-stasie vanweë probleme met die brander wat eers herstel moes word. Saterdagoggend was alles weer klopdisselboom en het die Klas 19 D omstreeks 06:00 met haar vrag, weer uit Voorbaai vertrek.
"Dit het maar stadig gegaan, want die lokomotief was 11 jaar laas in gebruik, maar die ontvangs en belangstelling op pad, soos ons van klein stasie na stasie gery het was ongelooflik," vertel Boshoff.
Hy noem dat algemene instandhouding, soos die spuit van onkruiddoders wat nie meer gedoen word nie, die trein se tog oor die spore bemoeilik het. Hulle moes ook op verskillende plekke aandoen vir water en olie en ook hierin was ondersteuning vanuit die gemeenskap noemenswaardig.
"Vanie Oosthuizen van Albertinia Meubelvervoer en Raadslid Charles Prins van Albertinia het vir ons water vir die lokomotief verskaf, asook Tinus van der Merwe van TVM Konstruksie in Swellendam, het weer vir die water op Buffelsjagrivier gesorg. Om nie eens te praat van elke privaat persoon en instansie wat 'n bydrae gelewer het met die ou motorolie wat ons benodig het nie."
Die Klas 19 D met haar vrag, het na 'n lang, stadige reis en 'n kort oorstaan op Robertson, uiteindelik omstreeks 13:00 op Sondag 18 Oktober by Demeter-stasie aangekom.
Die stasie Demeter, is vernoem na die gelyknamige Griekse godin van die oes.
Original article here
This is part 2 "Transfer to Ceres" , for "Restoration" see part 1
Lets hope they will get a few more steam locomotives.
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